Download yakko wakko and dot plush
Download yakko wakko and dot plush

download yakko wakko and dot plush

King Yakko, care of the castle, anvilania 90210. *Yakko: Thank you, and now for my address. *Yakko: Citizens of Anvilania, I stand before you, because if I was behind you, you couldn't see me. *Hello Nurse: No, no, I meant for the king to give his address to the people. (Yakko plays the following notes as semi-quavers on an accordion, Wakko and Dot dance) *Yakko: Dresses would be Dot's department *Hello Nurse: Your majesty, now would be a good time to greet the people with your address. *Jester: I don't know, uh, I can't see the cue card. *Jester: Hey, I want to tell you folks, hey, this anvil was so big. *Hello Nurse: May I introduce the court jester? *Yakko: My highness, what? Did I sit in something? *Wakko: The throne? How do you lift the lid? *Very Arch Bishop: And now, the national anthem. *Yakko: Do you have anything in a (sanzabelt?) with a scooch more room? *Very Arch Bishop: I crown thee, Yakko, king of Anvilania, holder of the scepter, wearer of the medals, and defender of the anvils. *Hello Nurse (spoken): Come, your majesty, it is time for your coronation. (Wakko and Dot hit a large anvil, everybody falls over) (Fast xylophone solo, Wakko hits his head on an anvil) *Hello Nurse: Good Anvilanians, I present the heir to the throne. (Yakko and Dot create bags, push air and pop them) *Dot (spoken): That's the national anthem? (everybody sleeps except for Warner Trio) *Hello: We welcome you with the national anthem of Anvilania, as sung by one of our national treasures. *Yakko and Wakko: Hello, prime minister nurse! *Hello Nurse: May I present myself? I am the prime minister. *Wakko and Dot: (pop the car, walk towards entrance) *Yakko (spoken): Hello, my name's Yakko, and I'll be your king this evening. So raise your hammers high, and let the anvils ring! Good folk of Anvilania, we welcome our new king, *Soldiers (one at a time): The king approaches! The king approaches! The king approaches! (into Hello Nurse's face) The man who's been chosen as the new king. (microscope) And on this very day, the citizens of Anvilania are awaiting the arrival of the heir to the throne. The world's largest producer and exporter of one thing - anvils. *Narrator: Here among the dramatic Aramean Mountains in the Hinkle River Valley, lies the tiny kingdom of Anvilania. Dunlikus is north-west of Likus, and has mountains west and north in it. Likus surrounds a river, and is south of a mountain. The writers flipped, We have no script, Why bother to rehearse? Goodfeathers flock together, Slappy whacks them with her purse.īuttons chases Mindy, while Rita sings a verse. Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe. They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught.īut we break loose and then vamoose and now you know the plot. Just for fun, we run around the Warner movie lot.

Download yakko wakko and dot plush